Until a vaccine is identified and implemented widely, businesses will have employees who contract COVID-19. Aviva Kamm and Krista Slosburg explain what steps an employer should take when it learns that an employee has contracted the virus.

StokesLaw™ Briefs
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, employers are faced with the difficult task of navigating a series of overlapping orders and workplace guidance. Aviva Kamm and Krista Slosburg outline the most important things for employers to keep in mind to comply with state and federal laws and keep their employees safe.
Aviva Kamm explains that Governor Inslee extended his earlier Proclamations protecting workers who are considered to be at high-risk for the effects of COVID-19 by the CDC.
Stokes Lawrence attorneys continue to monitor the evolving legal implications of the pandemic.
One common estate planning strategy when interest rates are low is the use of Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts ("GRATs"). Saul Tilden explains how to maximize the benefits of GRATs.
The U.S. Department of Labor issued a new rule regarding overtime calculations under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Duffy Romnor explains that the new rule clarifies that the fluctuating workweek method of calculating overtime can be used for nonexempt employees who are compensated with fixed salaries and who also receive bonuses, commissions, hazard pay, and other incentive compensation.