Stokes Lawrence Again Recognized as a Best Firm for Female Attorneys
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In its annual “Glass Ceiling Report,” Law360 again recognized Stokes Lawrence as one of the top 10 Best Law Firms for Female Attorneys among law firms in the United States with 20-149 lawyers. The firm also made the “Ceiling Smashers” list, which lists the 40 U.S. firms whose partnerships have the highest representation of women. Stokes Lawrence has a higher percentage of women equity partners than any other firm in Washington State.
To compile the report on the gender breakdown of attorneys in private practice, LAW360 surveyed nearly 350 law firms on the demographics of their lawyer workforce. Firms with above average representation of female attorneys and female partners earn the title of Best Law Firms for Women. To be listed on the Ceiling Smasher list, firms need to rank above average in total female attorneys, female nonpartners and female partners.
Women comprise half of the student body at law schools, yet they only fill about one-third of the ranks of lawyers in private practice. The survey’s results show that Stokes Lawrence exceeds the industry average, including in firm leadership, where 43 of the 350 firms surveyed (12%) have a female lawyer in the top leadership role. Even among the Best Law Firms for Women, Stokes Lawrence, with a woman managing shareholder, is a standout. Law360 found that firms with women leaders have higher percentages of women lawyers, an average of 38% for all lawyers, and 28% for female partners. At Stokes Lawrence, 52% of the lawyers are women, and 48% of the equity shareholders are women.
According to Law360, these statistics show that “having a female leader sets an example for younger associates that they have a future and a path at the firm.”
“We are incredibly proud of this recognition,” explained Managing Shareholder Kelly Twiss Noonan. “Our firm has a long history of women in leadership positions. Our focus is on hiring excellent lawyers, no matter their gender. As a result, we have lawyer demographics that more closely reflect that of law school populations.”
To learn more about our firm’s diversity, please visit our gender diversity page.