My Partner is a Jerk. What Can I Do?

Jul/Aug 2014   Print PDF

By Thomas A. Lerner | Related Practice: Health Care

This article originally appeared in the King County Medical Society Bulletin.

Good organizations go to great length to hire carefully. Most recognize that any individual that you invite into your workplace is soeone with whom you will spend as much waking time--and make more important financial decisions--than anyone else, with the possible exception of a spouse.

During recruitment, care is taken to spnd time with the candidate and investigate references, listening carefully for cues that anything might be amiss. As in any other courtship, however, those involved are on their best behavior, and critical judgment can be occluded by need, hope, and optimism. The "marriage" goes forward, and in two short years, your new employee is now your partner. When all goes well, the result is a collaborative, mutually supportive, and productive workplace in which colleagues accommodate each other and physicians and staff alike enjoy coming to work and taking care of patients.

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