Kelly Noonan, Son Profiled for Blood Donations

Oct 15, 2018   Print PDF

Kelly Twiss NoonanStokes Lawrence Managing Shareholder Kelly Twiss Noonan and her son Riley were recently profiled on the University of Washington blog The Daily for their annual mother-son tradition of donating blood to Bloodworks Northwest. Both have type O-negative blood and are considered “universal donors,” meaning their donations can go to anyone. Kelly and Riley have been donating blood together as a tradition for several years.

Their support for Bloodworks Northwest is shared throughout the firm. The Stokes Lawrence Foundation makes a charitable contribution to the organization each year. And when a blood drive is held in the building where the firm’s Seattle office is located, Stokes Lawrence employees are often seen making their individual contributions.

To learn more about Bloodworks Northwest, or to schedule a time to donate, visit